Gambaran Peran Bidan Dan Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Tentang Pijat Perineum Peran Bidan Dan Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Tentang Pijat Perineum

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Fety Karmila


Background: Perineal massage is one way to improve the health, blood flow, elasticity, and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles. This technique, performed at the end of pregnancy (starting from the 34th week), massage the perineum will help recognize and get used to relaxing the perineal tissue, which is the part that the baby will pass through.


Objective: analyze the effect of perineal massage to reduce pain in facing labor in pregnant women.


Methods: The research method used is a survey with a cross-sectional approach. The research sample was 35 pregnant women who were pregnant in their second and third trimesters in Terawan Village, who were selected simply randomly. Data were obtained through direct interviews using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. Data were analyzed using descriptive and linear regression techniques.


Result: shows that the majority of respondents have insufficient knowledge about perineal massage. Only a small proportion of respondents know the benefits of perineal massage and how to do perineal massage correctly. In addition, midwives in Terawan Village have provided sufficient information about perineal massage and assist pregnant women in performing perineal massage. However, there are still some pregnant women who do not receive sufficient information and support from midwives.


Conclusion: knowledge of pregnant women about perineal massage is still inadequate in Terawan Village. The role of the midwife in providing information and support in performing perineal massage is very important. Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to increase pregnant women's knowledge about perineal massage and support midwives in providing sufficient information and support in performing perineal massage.


Keywords: Pregnant women, knowledge, the role of the midwife, perineal massage

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How to Cite
Gambaran Peran Bidan Dan Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Tentang Pijat Perineum: Peran Bidan Dan Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Tentang Pijat Perineum. (2024). Proceeding Of Sari Mulia University Midwifery National Seminars, 5(1).

How to Cite

Gambaran Peran Bidan Dan Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Tentang Pijat Perineum: Peran Bidan Dan Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Tentang Pijat Perineum. (2024). Proceeding Of Sari Mulia University Midwifery National Seminars, 5(1).


Peran bidan terhadap pijat perineum pada ibu hamil