Studi Deskriptif Kebudayaan Pernikahan Dini Pada Masyarakat Kebudayaan Pernikahan Dini Pada Masyarakat
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Background: Underage marriage is a phenomenon that is also closely related to cultural and religious values in people's lives. The data obtained at the Pundu Health Center are known to be 21 cases from 2022 to November. This figure shows that early marriage among teenagers in the working area of the Pundu Health Center is still high. The number of young women aged 12-21 years in November 2022 was 41 people.
Objective: To find out the cultural description of early marriage in the community in the working area of the Pundu Public Health Center, East Kotawaringin Regency.
Method: This type of research is descriptive. The population is parents (mothers) who have teenage daughters aged 12-21 years in the working area of the Pundu Health Center, Kotawaringin Timur Regency, as many as 41 people in July 2023. The sample used the accidental sampling technique as many as 30 people. Data collection uses primary data from the results of questionnaires which are analyzed using the frequency distribution test.
Results: The results showed that of the 30 respondents, most of the mothers aged 41-50 years were 21 people (70%), most of the mothers did not go to school as many as 11 people (36.7%), most of the housewives were 21 people (70%) and most of the mothers support the culture of early marriage in the community as many as 19 people (63.3%) in the working area of the Pundu Health Center, East Kotawaringin Regency.
Conclusion: Communities in the working area of the Pundu Public Health Center, East Kotawaringin Regency have a high culture of early marriage.
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Dampak pernikahan dini terhadap sosial ekonomi