R Relationship Between Length of Use and Side Effects 0f 3-Month Injectable Contraception in the Work Are of the Health Center Terusan Tengah
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Background: One of the important problems faced by devoleping countries, such as Indonesia, is population explosion. The population explosion resulted in a rapid population growth rate. To overcome this problem, the Indonesia government has implemented a Family Planning (KB) program. The most populer contraceptive acceptor is the 3-month DMPA (Depo Medroxil Progesterone Acetate) injection which has a higher percentage of 49.93% among new users and 47.78% among old users. The side effect of using injectable contraception for 3 months is weight gain and the most frequently reported complaint is amenorrhea.
Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between length of use and side effects of 3-month injectable contraception in the work area of the Community Health Center Terusan Tengah.
Methods: This research is an analytical survey research with a cross-sectional approach, a population of 30 respondents, a sample of 30 respondents with a sampling total. The data collection tool is a master table, the data collection method uses primary data, univariate analysis and bivariate analysis using chi square.
Results: The results of this study were that the majority of injectable contraceptive use was ≤5 years, >5 years 19 respondents (63%), side effects of contraception in the form of amenorrhea for 11 respondents (37%) and weight gain for 19 respondents (63%). There was a relationship between the length of use and the side effects of 3-month injectable contraception (p=0.140).
Conclusion: there is a relationship between the length of use and the side effects of 3-month injectable contraception in the work area of the Community Health Center Terusan Tengah. It is hoped that those who work at the Central Puskesmas Terusan Tengah can provide more detailed counseling regarding the duration of use, side effects and handling of 3-month injectable contraceptives.
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