T The Effect Of IEC On Compliance With Filling In The Blood Addition Tablet Control Card In Pregnant Women At The Klinik Pratama Gratis Dhuafa Tersenyum Banjarmasin
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Background: Non-compliance between pregnant women in consuming blood supplement tablets is still high. One of the IEC efforts carried out by health workers is to prevent anemia by providing blood supplement control cards in the KIA book. It is hoped that this can increase the compliance of pregnant women in consuming blood supplement tablets because it can prevent and treat anemia due to iron deficiency.
Objective: to determine the effect of EIC on compliance with filling in the blood supplement tablet control card in pregnant women at the Dhu'afa Smiles Free Pratama Clinic Banjarmasin
Methods: The research method used was a quantitative method using a pre-experimental design carried out on 30 pregnant women. The sampling technique used in this research was Purposive Sampling with One Group Pretest - Posttest Design. Data analysis uses the Marginal Homogeneity statistical test.
Results: IEC on the filling of TTD control cards is known that initially with low compliance as many as 29 mothers (96.7%) to moderate compliance as many as 20 mothers (66.7%) and there is an influence between IEC and filling TTD control cards before and after IEC on filling TTD control cards with a p-value = 0.001 (p<0.05). This happens because the role of a health worker contributes as much as 50% to the quality of acceptance of health education by pregnant women
Conclusion: There is an influence of KIE on compliance with filling out the Blood Addition Tablet Control Card for pregnant women at the Dhuafa Tersenyum Free Pratama Clinic, Banjarmasin.
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