T The Effectiveness Of Pelvic Tilt Exercises In Reducing Back Pain In Third Trimester Pregnant Women At The Muara Harus Health Center, Tabalong Regency
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Background: back pain is the most common musculoskeletal problem in pregnant women. The causes are fatigue, increased joint mobility due to hormonal changes that occur in collagen, pressure from fetal growth, weight gain, and increased load on the spine.Objective: to determine the effectiveness of pelvic tilt exercise in reducing back pain in third trimester pregnant women at the Muara Harus Community Health Center, Tabalong Regency.Methods: pre-experimental designs, Pretest-Posttest Design type, sampling technique using total sampling technique. The data collection instruments are observations and interviews using Numerical Rating Scales (NRS).Results: back pain before pelvic tilt exercise was 24 (68.6%), moderate pain was 11 (31.4%). Back pain after pelvic tilt exercise was obtained as mild pain of 55 (100%). There is a difference between pelvic tilt exercise back pain before and after, this means that pelvic tilt exercise is effective in reducing back pain in third trimester pregnant women at the Muara Harus Health Center, Tabalong Regency.Conclusion: by doing pelvic tilt exercises at home, you can at least reduce back pain in the third trimester of pregnancy.
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