E Effectiveness Of A Combination Of Date Juice And Vitamin C On HB Levels In Anemia Pregnant Women At Long Kali Health Center
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Background: Pregnant women are at risk of experiencing iron anemia which has an impact on the risk of miscarriage, intrauterine growth retardation and the risk of postpartum hemorrhage. The incidence of anemia at the Long Kali Community Health Center is 32.65 to 34.5, so there is an increase in cases of anemia, and efforts are needed. One way to increase Hb levels is using date juice and vitamin C
Objective: To determine the effectiveness of the combination of date juice and vitamin C on Hb levels in anemic pregnant women at Long Kali Community Health Center.
Method: one group pre and post design research method, the research population was all pregnant women in the first, second and third trimesters at the Longkali Health Center in January 2024 as many as 20 people, the total sampling technique was 20 people. The instruments used were observation sheets and an Hb Meter. The data analysis technique uses univariate analysis with mean and standard deviation values, bivariate analysis using the Paired t test.
Results: The average Hb level before the intervention was 9.8 gr% with a minimum Hb level of 8.2 gr% and a maximum Hb level of 10.9 gr%, while the Hb level after the intervention averaged 11.485 gr% with a minimum Hb level of 10.1 gr% and a maximum Hb level of 12.4 gr%. There is an effectiveness of the combination of date juice and vitamin C on Hb levels in anemic pregnant women at the Long Kali Community Health Center with a p value of 0.000
Conclusion: date juice and vitamin C are effective in increasing Hb levels in anemic pregnant women at the Long Kali Community Health Center
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