F Factors Influencing Compliance With Consuming Blood Supplement Tablets In Young Women At SMAN 2 Sampit
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Background: Anemia in teenagers is currently still quite high. The high incidence of anemia in adolescent girls is caused by inappropriate, irregular and unbalanced dietary intake with adequate nutritional sources needed by the bodyCompliance or discipline is closely related to the awareness of young women to consume blood-added tablets. This is related to the knowledge, attitudes and family support of young women in consuming blood-added tablets.
Objective: To determine the factors that influence compliance with the consumption of blood supplement tablets among young women at SMAN 2 Sampit
Method: This research was conducted in February. The population in this study was 621 female students at SMAN 2 Sampit. The sample for this research was 86 respondents. Sampling used accidental sampling technique. The analysis used used the chi square test.
Results: Compliance with the consumption of blood supplement tablets was 43 (50%) in the categories of compliance and non-compliance, the knowledge of young women was good as many as 20 people (23.3%), the attitude of 44 young women (51.2%) had a positive attitude towards drinking blood-boosting tablets, while 42 people (48.8%), family support was good and not so good with 43 people (50%). The results of the chi square analysis test on the relationship between knowledge, attitudes and support and compliance obtained a p value of 0.000 (<0.05) respectively.
Conclusion: There is a relationship between knowledge, attitudes, family support and compliance with the consumption of added tablets among young women at SMAN 2 Sampit. It is expected to be an evaluation for SMAN 2 Sampit to maximize the use of Cegah Anemia Remaja Indonesia Application Program as the tool for monitoring female youngsters to regularly take blood booster supplement.
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