E Effect of Combination of Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 25 Mg and 5 Mg Estradiol Cypionate on Sexual Function of Acceptors Pengaruh Penggunaan Kombinasi Obat Medroxyprogesterone Acetat 25 Mg Dan Estradiol Cypionate 5 Mg Terhadap Fungsi Seksual Akseptor
Main Article Content
Background: Indonesia ranks fourth with the largest population in the world. Family Planning (KB) program to overcome population problems and improve welfare. The highest contraceptive users, namely the combination of Medroxyprogesterone Acetat 25 mg and Estradiol Cypionate 5 mg, had side effects of changing the user's sexual function.
Purpose: To analyze the effect of using a combination of 25 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate and 5 mg estradiol cypionate on sexual function of acceptors.
Methods: The study used descriptive analytic and cross-sectional design. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data through the identity sheet and FSFI questionnaire were analyzed using the Chi-Square test.
Result : Most respondents have an age range of 20-35 years 67.6%, secondary education 73.3%, not working 63.4%, parity 2-4 71.8%, length of use and users > 3 years 50.7% and normal sexual function 59.2%. Test Chi-Square earned value Exact sig (2 sided) 0.836> 0.05.
Conclusion: There was no significant correlation between the use of the drug combination medroxyprogesterone acetate 25 mg and estradiol cypionate 5 mg on the sexual function of the acceptors.
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How to Cite
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