E Effect Of Giving Date Palm On Stage Of Labor Progress I:Literature Review Pengaruh Pemberian Kurma Terhadap  Kemajuan Persalinan Kala I:Literatur Review

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Windi Melinda Agustin
Lisda Handayani
Sismeri Dona


Background: The first stage of labor most tiring time, feel aches, pain due to the active uterine activity, so this phase adequate power needed to able start labor, ifn’t managed properly, this labor can cause obstacles progress of labor or prolonged labor. One the non-pharmacological alternative acclerate the first stage of labor consuming date palm because ingredients help substitute for energy intake during the labor process, can cause contraction and contain the hormone potuchin.

Objective: To examine literature studies the effect of giving dates to the progress of the first stage of labor.

Methods: This study use literature review has been selected and data base sources google scholar and criteria by the researcher.

Results: The 10 literature found and reviewed, 9 journal stated accelerating progress the first stage of labor, date palm given affect the increase oxytocin receptor sensitivity to produce more effective uterine contractions. The carbohydrate content form glucosa in dates when carried the blood vessels and circulated throughout the body can make myometrial metabolism better and linoleic acid when decomposed into arachidonic acid converted eicosanoids converted prostaglandins, this can increase cervical maturity and trigger increased sensitivity uterus to oxytocin.

Conclusion: The results 10 reviewed journals, it can be concluded that 9 journals state that there effect of giving dates on progress the first stage of labor, because in dates there are two ingredients that can affect the progress of labor carbohydrates the form of glucose and linoleic acid.

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How to Cite
E Effect Of Giving Date Palm On Stage Of Labor Progress I:Literature Review: Pengaruh Pemberian Kurma Terhadap  Kemajuan Persalinan Kala I:Literatur Review. (2024). Proceeding Of Sari Mulia University Midwifery National Seminars, 3(1), 65-79. https://doi.org/10.33859/psmumns.v3i1.748

How to Cite

E Effect Of Giving Date Palm On Stage Of Labor Progress I:Literature Review: Pengaruh Pemberian Kurma Terhadap  Kemajuan Persalinan Kala I:Literatur Review. (2024). Proceeding Of Sari Mulia University Midwifery National Seminars, 3(1), 65-79. https://doi.org/10.33859/psmumns.v3i1.748


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