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Background: hypertension is systolic blood pressure ≥140 mmHg and diastolic ≥90 mmHg on two examinations with a minimum interval of 15 minutes in women who are calm, in 2022 there will be 57 cases and in 2023 there will be 95 cases. From data obtained at the Muara Komam Health Center in 2021, it shows that the number of high risk mothers was 103 cases, in 2022 it was 96 cases and in January-October 2023 it was 57 cases. In 2022, there were 57 cases of pregnant women with preeclampsia/eclampsia, increasing in 2023 to 95 cases. Honey can suppress or reduce increased blood pressure.
Objective: Honey is effective in reducing high blood pressure in pregnant women in the Muara Komam Community Health Center working area. Experimental research method, using pre post with control group design. total sampling technique of 20 respondents. The data collection instrument is in the form of a checklist.
Results: showed that 15 respondents (75%) had grade 1 hypertension before being given honey and 5 respondents (25%) had grade 2 hypertension, while 8 respondents (40%) had grade 1 hypertension, while blood pressure after being given honey had prehypertension. 10 respondents (50%) and grade 2 hypertension were 2 respondents (10%). There is an effect on reducing blood pressure in pregnant women by 0.001 in the Muara Komam Health Center working area.
Conclusion: consuming honey regularly every day can not only reduce blood pressure, but can also reduce nausea, maintain the mother's immune system, treat stomach irritation and prevent the baby from experiencing disability
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