Efektifitas Pelvic Rocking Exercise Terhadap Pengurangan Intensitas Nyeri Dan Lama Waktu Persalinan Kala I : Literature Review

The Effectiveness of Pelvic Rocking Exercise on Reducing Pain Intensity and Length of First Stage of Labor : Literature Review


  • Yolanda Audina Program Studi Sarjana Kebidanan, Fakultas Kesehatan, Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Novalia Widiya Ningrum Program Studi Sarjana Kebidanan, Fakultas Kesehatan, Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Dewi Pusparani Sinambela Program Studi Diploma Tiga Kebidanan, Fakultas Kesehatan, Universitas Sari Mulia


Lama Kala 1, Nyeri Persalinan, Pelvic Rocking Exercise


Latar Belakang : Nyeri persalinan yang tidak ditangani dengan baik dapat menyebabkan ibu mengalami kelelahan dan ketakutan yang berlebihan sehingga mempengaruhi kondisi psikologis ibu yang dapat mengakibatkan ibu mengalami persalinan lama. Pelvic Rocking merupakan salah satu bentuk latihan dengan cara menggoyangkan panggul dan pinggang dari sisi depan, belakang, sisi kiri dan kanan yang bertujuan untuk membantu mengurangi nyeri persalinan dan mencegah kala I memanjang.

Tujuan : Untuk menelaah efektifitas Pelvic Rocking Exercise Terhadap Pengurangan Intensitas Nyeri Dan Lama Waktu Persalinan Kala I melalui Literatur Review.

Metode : Menggunakan pendekatan studi literatur review dengan penilaian The JBI Critical Appraisal Tools untuk mengkaji risiko bias dalam studi.

Hasil : Hasil penelitian literatur review menunjukan bahwa teknik pelvic rocking exercise efektif terhadap pengurangan intensitas nyeri dan lama waktu persalinan kala I pada ibu bersalin.

Simpulan : Pada saat persalinan pelvic rocking exercise diberikan saat ibu bersalin memasuki kala I fase aktif dengan durasi selama 30 menit setiap 1 jam sekali. Pelvic rocking exercise mampu mengurangi intensitas nyeri persalinan pada ibu bersalin yang berada pada skala nyeri berat (8-10) menurun menjadi skala nyeri sedang (4-7) dan membuat persalinan pada kala I fase aktif pada ibu bersalin berlangsung kurang dari 6 jam dengan selisih waktu 3 – 1,5 jam lebih cepat dibandingkan ibu bersalin yang hanya mendapatkan asuhan standar selama kala I. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelvic rocking exercise efektif terhadap pengurangan intensitas nyeri dan lama waktu persalinan kala I pada ibu bersalin.

Kata Kunci : Lama Kala 1, Nyeri Persalinan, Pelvic Rocking Exercise

Background: Labor pain that is not handled properly can cause the mother to experience excessive fatigue and fear so that it affects the psychological condition of the mother which can cause the mother to experience prolonged labor. Pelvic Rocking is a form of exercise by shaking the pelvis and waist from the front, back, left and right sides which aims to help reduce labor pain and prevent the first stage from elongating.
Objective: To examine the effectiveness of Pelvic Rocking Exercise on Reducing Pain Intensity and Length of First Stage of Labor through Literature Review.
Methods: Using a literature review study approach with an assessment of The JBI Critical Appraisal Tools to assess the risk of bias in the study.
Results: The results of the literature review study showed that the pelvic rocking exercise technique was effective in reducing pain intensity and length of time in the first stage of labor in women giving birth.
Conclusion: During delivery, pelvic rocking exercise is given when the mother enters the first stage of the active phase with a duration of 30 minutes every 1 hour. Pelvic rocking exercise is able to reduce the intensity of labor pain in maternity women who are on a severe pain scale (8- 10) down to a moderate pain scale (4-7) and make labor in the first stage of the active phase in laboring women last less than 6 hours with a difference 3 – 1.5 hours faster than mothers who only receive standard care during the first stage. So it can be concluded that pelvic rocking exercise is effective in reducing pain intensity and length of time for delivery in the first stage of labor.

Keyword : Length of 1st Stage, Labor Pain, Pelvic Rocking Exercise


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How to Cite

Efektifitas Pelvic Rocking Exercise Terhadap Pengurangan Intensitas Nyeri Dan Lama Waktu Persalinan Kala I : Literature Review: The Effectiveness of Pelvic Rocking Exercise on Reducing Pain Intensity and Length of First Stage of Labor : Literature Review. (2022). Proceeding Of Sari Mulia University Midwifery National Seminars, 4(1), 40-50. https://ocs.unism.ac.id/index.php/PROBID/article/view/900