HIV/AIDS, intervensi edukasi palliative care, kualitas hidup, palliative care education intervention, Quality of life References, (2002 - 2017)Abstract
Latar Belakang: HIV/AIDS berdampak pada kehidupan manusia dan mempengaruhi kualitas hidup orang yang menderitanya. Salah satu pendekatan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup ODHA dengan menggunakan intervensi edukasi palliative care.
Tujuan: dari penelitian adalah menganalisis dan mensistesis pengaruh intervensi edukasi palliative care terhadap kualitas hidup ODHA dengan antiretroviral (ARV) di Kabupaten Biak Numfor. Metode : Desain penelitian quasi-eksperimental design dengan pre-post nonequivalent control group, sampel 120 dipilih secara purposive sampling.
Hasil: penelitian menunjukkan karakteristik responden berusia 26-35 tahun (41,7%), perempuan (59,2%), berpendidikan SMA (44,2%). Hasil uji Wilcoxon (p value= 0,000: < 0,05) dan uji Mann-Whitney nilai (p value= 0,019: <0,05) intervensi edukasi palliative care signifikan meningkatkan kualitas hidup penderita HIV/AIDS. Domain tertinggi dan terendah berdasarkan domain adalah domain sosial dan domain lingkungan. Nilai probability of event pada intervensi edukasi palliative care 5 kali dan pekerjaan 0,78 kali meningkatkan kualitas hidup. Evaluasi terhadap perubahan perilaku dan pengetahuan dilakukan pada hari ke 12 dan 24 setelah intervensi. Intervensi edukasi palliative care secara simultan memberikan pengaruh sebesar 17,2% terhadap peningkatan kualitas hidup, 15,6% perubahan perilaku dan 15,5% peningkatan pengetahuan serta perilaku dan pengetahuan terhadap kualitas hidup sebesar 4% .
Kata kunci: HIV/AIDS, intervensi edukasi palliative care; kualitas hidup
Bacground: The HIV/AIDS affected many aspects of human life and the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). The palliative care education intervention was one approach to improved the quality of life of PLWHA.
Aim:The aimed of this study was analyzed and synthesized the effected of palliative care education on quality of life of PLWHA with antiretroviral (ARV) in Biak Numfor District.
Method: The quasi-experimental was conducted with the nonquivalent pre-post control group in this study, total samples of 120 PLWHA were selected by purposive sampling.
Result: The result showed the majority of respondents aged 26-35 years (41.7%), 59.2% female, senior high school (44.2%). Wilcoxon test results (p value = 0,000: <0.05) and Mann-Whitney test value (p value = 0.019: <0.05) showed that palliative care education interventions significantly improved the quality of life of the intervention group against the control (pvalue = 0,000: <0.05). Futhermore based on domain of quality of life, the mean of the highest domain in the social domain and lowest on the environment. The probability of event palliative care education intervention was 5 times and employment 0.78 times improved quality of life. Evaluation of behavioral and knowledge on days 12 and 24 after the intervention. The intervention of palliative care education simultaneously improved the effected of 17.2% on the improvement of quality of life, 15.6% behavior change and 15.5% knowledge improvement, and behavior and knowledge to quality of life equal to 4%. It was concluded that educational interventions of palliative care on the quality of life of PLHA with ARV. This study recommended palliative care education interventions as one of the interventions nursing care of PLWHA to improved the quality of life. Â For the purpose to be achieved with the optimal use of booklets and flipcharts adjusted to the local language and culture.
Keywords: HIV/AIDS, palliative care education intervention, Quality of life
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