E Efektivitas Motivasi Pada Home Care Lansia Di Desa Gading Jaya Kecamatan Tabir Selatan


  • Surani Surani PKM Muara Delang Kab. Merangin. Jambi
  • Titik Hindriati Poltekkes kemenkes Jambi


Community service by the Home Care team for the elderly at the Muara Delang Public Health Center as a comprehensive service effort for the elderly in Gading Jaya village. Health services are aimed at the whole community including clients and families who have affordability and the economy. Elderly with certain health needs to stay productive. So that optimal health services are needed and reach all levels of society in the form of community service. With a descriptive approach [1] This community service is to provide services for visiting clients' homes with services and providing motivation to clients and families by the elderly home care team. Motivation has been proven to be effective in increasing client healing by building the client's desire to heal and the family's desire to heal consistently following the recommendations of the team. the client shows that the level of health is increasing every month during the 10-month observation period from February 2022.




How to Cite

E Efektivitas Motivasi Pada Home Care Lansia Di Desa Gading Jaya Kecamatan Tabir Selatan. (2024). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Tangguh, 2(1), 222-229. https://ocs.unism.ac.id/index.php/semnaspkm/article/view/1046