D Deteksi Dan Edukasi Tumbuh Kembang Dalam Mengoptimalkan Kesehatan Pada Anak
Human growth and development is supported by the process of change. Changes in the physical aspect can occur as tissue formation, structure enlargement, and organs and muscles reach their full level of strength and function. Developmental changes occur in individuals both cognitively, language skills, and socially. Nationally in Indonesia, the prevalence of under five nutritional status consists of 3.9% poor nutrition, 13.8% wasting, 79.2% good nutrition and 3.1% over nutrition. The high number of developmental disorders in children certainly has a negative impact on children's lives in the future. Therefore it is necessary to have health promotion efforts for parents regarding aspects related to child growth and development, one of which is Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 28 Ar-Rahman Kindergarten which, according to the Principal's narrative, is rarely screened for growth and development in children. Some of the parents or guardians of students also do not know more about growth and development disorders in children and how to prevent them. The service team carried out Health Education activities as well as growth and development detection screening in 21 children at Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 28 Ar-Rahman Kindergarten using Anthropometry and DDST II screening. There is a result of parental knowledge with an average difference in the Pre-Test and Post-Test scores of 8.75, which means that there is an increase in parents' knowledge about child growth and development.