E Education "PEGSI CERIA" (Fulfillment Of Balanced Nutrition to Prevent Adolescents From Anemia) at MTs Siti Khadijah North of Tapin
Anemia, Adolescence, Balanced Nutrition, EducationAbstract
Female adolescent group is considered prone to experiencing iron deficiency anemia. The prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in female adolescents is between 40-88%. This high prevalence among female adolescent stems from increased iron demands during adolescence, inadequate nutrition due to skipping meals, monthly menstrual cycles, and infectious diseases among female adolescents. Iron deficiency anemia among female adolescent may lead to various negative impacts, including slowed growth, low cognitive function, and weakened immune system. Long-term impacts include the risk of experiencing anemia during pregnancy, resulted in giving birth to low-birth-weight or premature babies. Hence, nutritional education is needed and expected to raise awareness among female adolescents on the importance of consuming nutritious foods and iron supplementation tablets to prevent and treat anemia. The program, which targeted to female students and kitchen managers at Islamic boarding school MTs Siti Khadijah, is aimed at increasing knowledge related to the prevention and treatment of anemia. There were 29 female students and 1 kitchen manager participated in the program. The method used was to provide "SI PEGSI CERIA" flipchart, which contains educational information about balanced nutrition, particularly food sources containing iron to prevent anemia. The flipchart was displayed on screens and banners, then followed by discussions and Q&A sessions. In addition, a pre-test and a post-test were conducted through questionnaire to determine the impact of the program. The results show an increase in knowledge by 23.33%. This proves that this method is effective in improving the knowledge of female adolescents related to anemia and balanced nutritious foods.
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