D Digital Technology to Strengthen PCIM Taiwan's International Da'wah


  • Sri Winiarti Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Sunardi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Ulaya Ahdiani Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Norma Sari Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


Digital Da'wah, Muhammadiyah internationalization, Taiwan PCIM


The 2019 World Economic Forum in Davos saw the emergence of the notion of "globalization 4.0", which is now beginning to spread in academic debates, especially in the field of digital studies. In Indonesia, a country with the largest population reaching 275,361,267 by 2022, studies show that the quality of human resources (HR) affects productivity both macro and micro. For Muhammadiyah, improving human quality is the main focus, in order to become progressive individuals in all aspects of life in accordance with Islamic values and constructive culture.
The Muhammadiyah Special Branch (PCIM) Taiwan was officially inaugurated on September 03, 2023, as a step in the internationalization of this movement. With the aim of offering progressive Islam globally, it is important for PCIM to strengthen its organization through digital technology. However, challenges arise in turning members into digital creators, developing websites, deepening religious understanding, and optimizing the use of digital technology.
The mission of this service activity is to help PCIM Taiwan increase the reach of da'wah using digital technology, through transforming into digital creators and strengthening organizational networks. The proposed method is a mixture of online and face-to-face learning. Partners are selected from the Indonesian citizen community in Taiwan who can assist in digital da'wah through the use of websites.


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How to Cite

D Digital Technology to Strengthen PCIM Taiwan’s International Da’wah. (2024). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Tangguh, 3(1), 1-12. https://ocs.unism.ac.id/index.php/semnaspkm/article/view/1188