S Strengthening Cadres' Knowledge Regarding The Emotional Conditions Of Pregnant Women As An Effort To Prevent The Risk Of Postpartum Depression At Teluk Dalam Health Center


  • Selly Kresna Dewi STIKES Suaka Insan Banjarmasin
  • Sapariah Anggraini Suaka Insan Institute of Health Science Banjarmasin
  • Margareta Martini Suaka Insan Institute of Health Science Banjarmasin


Pregnancy, Postpartum Depression, Emotional intelligence


Pregnancy is a crisis condition in a woman, where women experience physical and psychological changes during pregnancy. This process of change is not always well understood by pregnant women. This incomprehension and worry gives rise to problems that will continue to become psychological problems. So that everyone plays a role in assisting mothers in this time of crisis, including cadres because cadres are close to the community, especially pregnant women. The understanding of cadres related to the emotional condition of Peruvian pregnant women is well known so that this counseling is very important. The method used is a lecture to 50 cadres at the Teluk Dalam Health Center on. From the results of the material provided, the cadres were very enthusiastic because they got new things, especially related to the need to understand the psychological condition of pregnant women to reduce the incidence of bullying themselves and their babies  This devotion is not limited only to cadres to understand the importance of the emotional condition of pregnant women but also husbands and parents.


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How to Cite

S Strengthening Cadres’ Knowledge Regarding The Emotional Conditions Of Pregnant Women As An Effort To Prevent The Risk Of Postpartum Depression At Teluk Dalam Health Center. (2024). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Tangguh, 3(1), 39-46. https://ocs.unism.ac.id/index.php/semnaspkm/article/view/1197