Families Role, Complete ImmunizationAbstract
Ambakiang Village is located approximately 6 km from the Awayan Community Health Center in a hilly area. There are three RTs in Ambakiang village with a total of 723 heads of families. Immunization in Ambakiang village is carried out at the posyandu which is held once a month at the village hall. During the implementation of the posyandu in the village, there were many babies and toddlers in Ambakiang village, Awayan Community Health Center health workers and cadres. Based on the above background, it is necessary to carry out a midwifery project through the "KAMI Dalam" (Families Understand Complete Basic Immunization) program in Ambakiang village, Awayan Balangan Health Center Working Area. The "KAMI DALAM" midwifery project method is in the form of counseling about the importance of complete basic immunization for children aged 0-12 months and the role of the family that must be strengthened in taking an approach in informing the importance of complete basic immunization to parents in Ambakiang Village, the working area of the Awayan Balangan Health Center.The pre-test results show that of the 14 respondents the average score during the pre-test was 47.85. After being given the material, the post-test results showed an increase with an average score of 86.42.
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