C "CETING DANATA" (Prevent Stunting In Children) In Takuti Village, The Working Area Of The UPTD Puskesmas Mataraman
Stunting, Community Service, Ceting DenataAbstract
Stunting is one of the biggest nutritional problems among toddlers in Indonesia. The prevalence of stunting based on data from the 2022 Indonesian nutritional status survey is 21.6%, in South Kalimantan province it is 24.6%. In 2023, Banjar Regency will occupy third position with a prevalence of stunting of 26.4%. This shows that the prevalence rate of stunting is higher than the figure in South Kalimantan Province. This activity aims to assist monitoring carried out by village midwives to reduce the number of incidents in Takuti village, the working area of the UPTD public health center Mataraman. The method of this activity is in the form of counseling about the growth and development of toddlers which is carried out during visits or posyandu. The implementation time for this program is December 27 2023. Participants or program targets in this research are parents who have children aged infants and toddlers who are either in good nutritional status or malnourished to malnourished. The results of the activity showed a good reception by the KIA coordinator midwife and local village midwives, this also received very good support from community leaders, cadres and the local community. After the outreach activities were completed, the service team also provided several socialization media to the village midwives so that they could be used as additional media when the midwives carried out socialization in the future by continuing this program. In this activity, participants gave quite good responses and discussed with each other what things could help so that the objectives of this program were understood and could be implemented properly and correctly. It is recommended that further activities be able to apply the concept of community midwifery to prevent and overcome stunting incidents in Takuti Village, the working area of the UPTD Community Health Center Mataraman by collaborating with village midwives through routine posyandu activities in monitoring the growth and development of babies and toddlers
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