K Knowing And Comliance With Taking Blood Supply Tablets (BST) in Adolescent Women At Posyandu Teens Takuti In The Takuti Village Area Mataraman District
Awareness, Understanding, Blood Supplement Tablets (BST), Anemia in Adolescent GirlsAbstract
Anemia in adolescent girls is a significant public health problem throughout the world, including Indonesia. Takuti Village has a high prevalence of anemia in adolescent girls, with a lack of understanding regarding Blood Supplement Tablets (TTD) and minimal awareness among adolescents to consume them and there is no youth posyandu as a place for monitoring them.
The proposed solution involves the establishment of a Youth Posyandu "Sata Setia," intensive education regarding TTD, and an awareness campaign via social media. Outcome targets include scientific publications, application of science and technology in society, and improvement of values. The project cost is estimated at IDR 1,400,000 with sources from personal funds.
Implementation includes Hb testing, counseling, outreach via social media, and active participation from teenagers, parents, health workers, posyandu cadres, and community leaders. The activity schedule will be carried out for two weeks in December 2023 in Takuti Village.
The results of the activity show an increase in understanding and commitment of young women towards TTD. Outcomes include increased understanding, compliance, and the establishment of Youth Posyandu. The next phase of the plan involves in-depth evaluation, compliance monitoring, awareness campaigns and further collaboration.
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