T TATAMBA Enthusiasts (Companion to Take Blood Supplement Tablets and Fill Out the TTD Control Card Checklist, KIA Book) at The Kelayan Dalam Community Health Center


  • Satumi Satumi Sari Mulia University
  • Elvine Ivana Kabuhung Sari Mulia University


Checklists, Control Cards, Blood Supplement Tablets


Based on data from the Banjarmasin City Health Service in 2021, it shows that there are 12,766 pregnant women with the number of pregnant women suffering from anemia being 1,422 (13.01%) in all Banjarmasin health centers. Of the 27 community health centers in Banjarmasin in 2021, the highest number of cases of anemia in pregnant women was in the Pelambuan 208 (26.23%) community health center in first place and the Sungai Jingah 156 (16.25%) community health center in second place (Banjarmasin City Health Service, 2021 ).So that pregnant women and their companions know how to take blood supplement tablets and fill out the TTD Control Card Checklist for the KIA Book. Providing education on taking blood supplement tablets, especially to pregnant women with anemia and companions (husbands/families) and providing education on filling out the TTD control card checklist for the KIA book to pregnant women and husbands/families. Implementation of community service activities for pregnant women and their companions in the Kelayan Dalam Community Health Center work area was carried out by providing education to 10 pregnant women and their companions who attended the activity. The target is able to understand the material presented and is willing to fill in the TTD checklist in the KIA book every time you take TTD. Community service activities with the theme of education on how to take blood supplement tablets and how to fill out the KIA book checklist are in accordance with the objectives of the activity.


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How to Cite

T TATAMBA Enthusiasts (Companion to Take Blood Supplement Tablets and Fill Out the TTD Control Card Checklist, KIA Book) at The Kelayan Dalam Community Health Center. (2024). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Tangguh, 3(1), 502-506. https://ocs.unism.ac.id/index.php/semnaspkm/article/view/1275