I Increasing Knowledge Of Acute Respiratory Tract Infections In Toddler
Toddlers, ISPA, KnowledgeAbstract
Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is a disease that can attack society, making ARI a major problem in the medical field which results in deaths of toddlers and babies in Indonesia. Based on the results of the problem analysis in Gudang Tengah Village, what is of particular concern for us is related to knowledge and treatment of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) in the Gudang Tengah Village Area, which is one of the dangerous impacts of air pollution caused by burning in brick making process. This activity was carried out in Gudang Tengah Village RT 03 and RT 04. The activity was divided into four activities, namely Field Survey, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation. Results After providing education to mothers of toddlers regarding knowledge of acute respiratory infections (ARI) in toddlers. So that mothers of toddlers know about ISPA and how to treat early ISPA in toddlers. ISPA itself still dominates in terms of the causes of morbidity and mortality among children under five who are still high. From the results of the educational activities carried out after the Pre-Test and Post-Test were carried out on mothers of toddlers, there was an insignificant change in improvement before and after the education was provided with the results obtained from 11 respondents, where the Pre-Test had an average of 45. 45% and Post Test as much as 48.18%
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