R Revitalization Of Posyandu Through The Application Of The Posyandu Schedule Calendar Year 2024 In The Working Area Of The Central Alalak Public Health Center Of Banjarmasin City
Alalak Tengah Public Health Center, Posyandu Schedule Calendar, RevitalizationAbstract
One of the causes of high AKB and AKI was due to lack of maternal care during pregnancy. The government's efforts to reduce AKI were by providing health services to pregnant women according to gestational age in health service facilities. Data from the Central Alalak Public Health Center in 2023 showed that visits from K1 to June were 342 of the 863 targeted pregnant women or only around 40%. One of the efforts made was by increasing the knowledge of prospective mothers, pregnant women, cadres and stakeholders related to existing problems with the Revitalization of Posyandu through the Application of the Posyandu Schedule Calendar of the Central Alalak Public Health Center of Banjarmasin city. The Calendar has been designed to include the schedule of Posyandu in all working areas of the Central Alalak Public Health Center year 2024, information concerning the pregnancy check-up schedule, exclamation for reporting pregnancies as well as places to carry out pregnancy checks. With this activity, it can facilitate the access to see the posyandu schedule and its location, further increase the motivation of prospective mothers or pregnant women to have their pregnancies checked, and can encourage cadres and stakeholders and the community to carry out pregnancy checks on pregnant women so that they can increase K1 coverage which is still low and can help reduce AKB and AKI.
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