P "Pregnancy Counseling CLASS (PCC)" As An Effort To Prevent High Risk Events In Pregnancy
High Risk, PregnancyAbstract
The problem encountered was that there were several high-risk pregnant women who did not routinely have pregnancy checks at the Community Health Center. Therefore, intensive monitoring methods are needed by health workers and cadres for pregnant women, so that their condition can be monitored more carefully, at regular intervals, more intensively. In this community service program, it is proposed to initiate the creation of a Pregnancy Counseling Class (PCC) specifically for pregnant women in the Serongga Community Health Center working area. The PCC consists of all high-risk pregnant women along with health workers. Health workers/midwives form offline classes with an agreed time and place agreement, as well as online monitoring of pregnant women. It does not rule out the possibility of home visits by health workers for high risk pregnant women. With this PCC, it is hoped that it can reduce the risk to pregnant women either during pregnancy, or Posyandu cadres and pregnant women took part in this activity. Participants consisting of cadres and pregnant women seemed very enthusiastic about taking part in this activity. This can be seen from the questions asked by the participants to the resource persons
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