S SUMARNI JUICE (Anemi Date Milk) To Increase Hb Levels
Anemia, Date Milk, Hemoglobin LevelsAbstract
Anemia in pregnancy is a national problem because it reflects the socio-economic welfare of society, and has a huge influence on the quality of human resources. In pregnant women, anemia is a condition where red blood cells or hemoglobin (Hb) levels in the blood decrease, so that the oxygen carrying capacity for the needs of vital organs in the mother and fetus is reduced. This community service activity is in the form of the activity "SUMARNI Juice (Anemi Date Milk) to increase HB levels in pregnant women. In this program, date milk juice will be made, which will be distributed to pregnant women at a certain time interval, recipes for processing methods will be shared with pregnant women so they can make it themselves at home. The activity will be carried out in January 2024. The conclusion of this program is that date milk juice will be made, which will be distributed to pregnant women over a certain period of time. The recipe for processing will be distributed to pregnant women so they can make it themselves at home. In this activity, various kinds of date milk recipes were tried, and after succeeding in making good and delicious date milk, they then made a recipe in the form of a leaflet. Pregnant women with anemia need to be monitored regularly. The effectiveness of programs related to increasing Hb levels needs to be researched periodically.
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