S Supporting Pregnant Women With Innovation Bersinar (Collaboration Of Health Workers & Cadres To Prevent Stunting) At Puskesmas Sungai Bilu Banjarmasin
Community Empowerment, Collaboration, Stunting, Chronic Lack Of Energy, Pregnant WomenAbstract
Community empowerment in the health sector is a process to increase the knowledge, awareness and ability of individuals, families and communities to play an active role in health efforts carried out by facilitating the problem-solving process through an educational and participatory approach and paying attention to local potential and socio-cultural needs. (Permenkes No. 8, 2019). The problem of stunting prevention must involve all parties, one of the main problems due to malnutrition in Indonesia is caused by a lack of macronutrient intake, namely sources of energy / carbohydrates, fat & protein and micronutrients such as: calcium, iron, vitamins A and D, folic acid, zinc and iodine experienced by women of childbearing age (WUS) from adolescence to pregnancy on an ongoing basis which is called Chronic Energy Deficiency (SEZ)
This activity was carried out by providing socialization of activities to assist women with SEVERE pregnancies to all posyandu cadres for the implementation of activities. Activities carried out in the form of mentoring pregnant women with SEZ with home visits together with cross-programs with nutritionists, sanitarians and cross-sector cadres.
Based on the results of the assistance of pregnant women with SEZ, there were changes in the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of pregnant women, there was an effect of assistance of pregnant women with SEZ with knowledge, attitudes and behavior in carrying out health recommendations, fulfilling nutrition and sanitation. There is collaboration of all in the prevention of stunting starting from pregnancy, community empowerment in the health sector by involving Posyandu cadres
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