B Bu RT Monitors Anaemia in Cindai Alus Village Work Area of UPTD Puskesmas Martapura 1
Anemia, Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR), Pragnant Woman, CounselingAbstract
The problem of anemia in pregnant women is a serious concern in Indonesia because of its impact on health and nutrition during the First 1000 Days of Life (HPK) period. The high prevalence of anemia contributes to maternal mortality and impacts the quality of life of individuals. This service activity aims to increase knowledge and understanding of anemia in pregnant women, as well as teach how to fill out anemia monitoring books to housewives in Cindai Alus Village. Activities were carried out through counseling to 11 RT women in Cindai Alus Village, focusing on explaining anemia in pregnant women and how to fill out anemia monitoring books. Evaluation was conducted through discussion and questions and answers. The counseling succeeded in increasing the knowledge of RT women about anemia and how to fill out anemia monitoring books. The presence of 11 RT mothers in the activity showed support for this program. Publication of articles is one of the outcomes of this activity.This counseling program is effective in increasing the knowledge of RT mothers about anemia and how to fill out anemia monitoring books. Through the empowerment of RT women, it is expected to reduce the problem of anemia among pregnant women in Cindai Alus Village. This activity reflects efforts to prevent and treat anemia in the community through the active participation of RT community members.
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