E Efforts To Improve Pregnancy Visit Outcomes Through SiPeKA At The Beruntung Raya Health Center In Banjarmasin
Antenatal Care, ANC Outcomes, CounselingAbstract
The Beruntung Raya Health Center in South Banjarmasin serves Tanjung Pagar Village with a population of 11,357 people and 3,509 families. The achievement of maternal health services is evaluated through the K1 and K4 coverage indicators. However, the data shows that these achievements are still below the government target.
This service activity aims to improve the achievement of pregnancy visits/examinations up to K6 at the Beruntung Raya Health Center through the implementation of the SiPeKA (Pregnancy Control Reminder Sticker) project. Activities include counseling, socialization, and provision of SiPeKA to pregnant women and families. Evaluation was conducted by observing participants' knowledge and awareness as well as pregnancy visit outcomes. After the implementation of the SiPeKA project, there was an increase in knowledge and awareness of pregnant women and families regarding the importance of antenatal visits. Pregnancy visit outcomes also increased significantly.
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