Heavy Breast Milk With Acupressure (ADA DAKU)
Acupressure, Breast Milk Production, Postpartum MothersAbstract
The decrease in breast milk production in the first days after giving birth can be caused by a lack of stimulation of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin which play a major role in smooth breast milk production. In 95 post partum mothers who breastfed their babies, it was found that breast milk production decreased if the baby's sucking stimulation decreased or decreased. Efforts to stimulate the hormones prolactin and oxytocin in mothers after giving birth, apart from expressing breast milk, can also be done by caring for or massaging the breasts, cleaning the nipples, frequently breastfeeding the baby even though the milk has not yet come out, early breastfeeding and oxytocin massage. One of the traditional treatments that is cheap, easy and can be done for self-treatment at home is acupressure. Acupressure is a form of acupuncture, a method of healing that is done by pressing the fingertips on certain areas or points on the surface of the body. Acupressure therapy can reduce stress and pain in the body, these benefits are the basis for acupressure to be an effective treatment method in increasing the volume of breast milk. This community service activity is in the form of innovative creation of breast milk with acupressure (ada daku) to increase the volume of breast milk. This community service activity will be carried out at the Klempang Sari Village Office, Kuaro sub-district in December 2023 - January 2024 with participants namely midwives, Posyandu cadres, village officials, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, and community representatives with a total of 27 participants. The program implemented is a community service activity which is a combination of efforts to increase knowledge and skills as well as practice to increase breast milk production with acupressure (ADA DAKU) which is a form of healing carried out by pressing the tips of the fingers in certain areas or points. On the surface of the body, acupressure can also be used to increase breast milk production by pressing certain points so that ADA DAKU can be carried out as it should.
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