E Efforts To Prevent Stunting And Malnutrition Through Nutritious Food Processing
Toddler, Cadres, Nutrition, StuntingAbstract
Stunting is a manifestation of chronic nutritional problems influenced by the condition of the mother, pregnancy, infancy or toddlerhood, and diseases during that period. This is related to the risk of impaired motor and mental development. Consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is necessary to support growth, physical activity, and mental development, especially brain cell formation. Adequate nutritional needs are important for the quality of children's growth and development, especially toddlers under five years old, who are at risk of malnutrition and affect the quality of future human resources. The counseling activity on efforts to prevent stunting and malnutrition through nutritious food processing at the Red Apple Integrated Health Post in Nawin Village, Haruai District, Tabalong Regency was attended by about 30 people, including cadres, religious leaders, and parents of infants and toddlers. From this activity, it can be seen that cadres and parents of infants and toddlers understand the importance of a healthy menu for children and the risk of malnutrition that can lead to stunting. They also show enthusiasm in asking about the importance of a healthy menu, malnutrition, stunting, and ways to encourage the community to visit the integrated health post. Cadres also emphasize the role of fathers not only in providing for the family but also in being involved in this matter. Conclusion: This activity demonstrates the independence and empowerment of mothers of infants and toddlers and cadres in providing counseling on the importance of nutrition in preventing stunting in children and healthy menu processing, and the community understands this using supporting information media such as leaflets and pocketbooks. The sustainability of this activity is expected as cadres continue to provide counseling on the importance of balanced nutrition and healthy menu processing to parents of infants and toddlers.
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