E Efforts to Improve Pregnancy Visit Outcomes Through SERAKAMILA at the Beruntung Raya Health Center, Banjarmasin
Antenatal Care, pregnancy visits, motivation, CounselingAbstract
Beruntung Raya Community Health Center in South Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, plays an important role in providing health services to pregnant women. However, the achievement of maternal health services as measured by K1 and K4 coverage has not reached the set target. Lack of knowledge and motivation about the importance of ANC (Antenatal Care) is one of the main factors in the inadequacy of minimum visit coverage.This activity aims to increase awareness, knowledge, and motivation of pregnant women and their families about the importance of ANC and the distribution of visits during pregnancy. In addition, we also aim to increase the coverage of pregnancy visits (K1, K4 to K6) at the Beruntung Raya Health Center to reach the target according to the Minimum Service Standards (MSS).The activity method was carried out in the form of direct counseling to pregnant women, husbands, and families at the Beruntung Raya Health Center. This activity involved cadres, MCH midwives, and community elements. Evaluation was conducted through pre-test and post-test to assess participants' knowledge before and after counseling. After counseling activities, there was a significant increase in the knowledge of pregnant women and families regarding the importance of ANC and the role of the family. The mean score of the pre-test increased from 72.7 to 91.8 in the post-test. The coverage of K1 and K4 visits also increased from 2022 to 2023. Through the counseling activity "Keluarga Siaga Towards Healthy and Safe Pregnancy / Childbirth" and the innovation of giving SERAKAMILA certificates, we succeeded in increasing knowledge, motivation, and coverage of pregnancy visits at the Beruntung Raya Health Center. Hopefully, these measures will contribute to achieving SPM targets and reducing maternal and infant health risks. Further evaluation and expansion of the program is the next step to improve the health of pregnant women and infants more broadly
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