H Health Education About Contraceptive Devices


  • Laurensia Yunita Sari Mulia University


Education, Health, Contraception


Family Planning (KB) is a government program to regulate the rate of population growth in Indonesia by using contraceptive methods. Contraception is divided into two types, namely Long Term Contraceptive Methods (MJKP) and Non Long Term Contraceptive Methods (Non MJKP). This service activity was attended by 20 people. The activity method in this service will involve 5 Sari Mulia University midwifery students. The implementation of the service was carried out in three stages, namely: distribution of pre-test questionnaires and presentation of material. The second stage was providing education on how to install the IUD (SPIRAL) contraceptive device using leaflet instruments. The third stage is a question and answer session with service participants, namely couples of childbearing age (PUS), in this case pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers who have not used contraception in the working area of ​​the Terminal Health Center. The conclusion of the service carried out is as follows: the results of the pretest and posttest from the activities carried out can be seen that there has been an increase in the knowledge of fertile age couples (PUS) from the pretest score in the poor category of 45% (9 people) increasing to most of the good knowledge category of 75% (15 people) at the posttest. This shows that the participants can receive the education provided well


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How to Cite

H Health Education About Contraceptive Devices. (2024). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Tangguh, 1(1), 405-410. https://ocs.unism.ac.id/index.php/semnaspkm/article/view/1454