nurse call, laboratory, designAbstract
The Objective Structural Clinical Examination (OSCE) laboratory is a laboratory provided to support the abilities of students at the health faculty of Sari Mulia University, where in this laboratory simulated student activities in dealing with patients. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health of Indonesia Number 24 of 2016 concerning the technical requirements of hospital buildings and infrastructure, it is stated that the hospital treatment room must provide a nurse call for each bed connected to the nurse post. To familiarize students with the hospital atmosphere, a nurse call system is also needed in the laboratory. The availability of this nurse call system also makes it easier for lecturers and laboratory assistants to communicate and provide the necessary equipment during practicum. In the laboratory there are 20 rooms that need to be provided with a nurse call system, and 1 operator room. The nurse call system is designed using DC current, 1 switch in each room, 1 lamp in front of the room door, and operator center box. So that the operator/laborator is always on standby, every switch that is activated will trigger a light and a buzzer/alarm in the operator's central box. Based on the design of the nurse call system that was made, the system functions well in all laboratory rooms.
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