Self isolation, Natural Materials, Body EnduranceAbstract
Isolation is an effort to separate someone who is sick who needs Covid-19 treatment or someone who is confirmed to be COVID-19, from a healthy person, which aims to reduce the risk of greater virus transmission. In Indonesia, there are a total of 4,251,423 positive cases of COVID-19 and a total death toll of 143,685 people. For Banjar Regency data, 6,040 positive cases have been confirmed and 176 deaths have been confirmed. In overcoming COVID-19, we can use natural materials around the environment to increase body resistance, such as Moringa leaves, red ginger, temulawak, kencur, and turmeric.The purpose of this activity is increase knowledge, awareness, willingness and ability and the application of self-isolation in accordance with the provisions, and increase knowledge of natural materials around which can be used to improve the body's immune system of Gudang Hirang RT 02 Village people. The method used Counseling through audiovisual media is used in this activity with a total of 38 participants participating in this activity. The Results In the implementation of outreach activities related to "Increasing Knowledge of the Community of Gudang Hirang Village RT 02 About the Dangers of Covid-19, Independent Isolation, and Use of Natural Materials to Increase Body Endurance" which was attended by 38 respondents and consisted of 36 women and 2 men , the respondent can understand the results of the presentation of counseling material. This can be seen from the results of the Pre-test and Post-test percentages from 34% to 66% which showed an increase after being given education who initially did not know about COVID-19, self-isolation, and the use of natural materials to increase body resistance. The conclusion is Service activities have an impact on increasing participants' knowledge about increasing knowledge of the people of Gudang Hirang Village RT 02 about the dangers of Covid-19, self-isolation and the use of natural materials to increase body resistance. The installation of banners was also carried out as a reminder of the implementation of self-isolation.
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