M "MADU TACIBUDANA" (Society Care And Love For Mother And Child) In Tumbang Rungan Village


  • Hanovani Prodi Profesi Bidan Universitas Sari Mulia Banjarmasin
  • Susanti Suhartati Sari Mulia University
  • Anita Anita UPTD Puskesmas Pahandut Kota Palangka Raya
  • Zulliati Zulliati Sari Mulia University


Health Communication, Midwifery Community


Identification of problems related to the midwifery community in Tumbang Rungan Subdistrict, it was found that there were several problems that were still low basic immunization coverage for babies (71.4% of babies were fully immunized) and still low levels of pure Antenatal care (ANC) visits K1 (66.7%), K4 ( 60 %) and K6 (53.3 %). After analyzing the situation and problems of the community in Tumbang Rungan Subdistrict, especially related to midwifery issues, there is a need to increase participation and cooperation between health workers (midwives) and the community from various sectors in an effort to resolve existing problems. Midwives in the community or who work in the area with the community or across sectors must have good communication to be able to work together. The author has an idea/idea for a program to make cellphone media with the What's App application as a communication tool between midwives, cadres, the Family Assistance Team (TPK), Village Heads and their devices, groups of pregnant women and mothers with children (target age 0-24 months) and husbands of pregnant women and mothers who have children aged 0-24 months, and on January 27th the WhatsApp group MADU TACIBUDANA was formed which was used as a medium for communication, information and health education. As a guide to the implementation of the program, a pocket booklet for the MADU TACIBUDANA program was also printed and distributed. Communication in the What's App group is well established and active, it can be seen that there are responses from group participants regarding the information/education conveyed in the What's App group. Establishing good communication between health workers (midwives) and the community will further create good cooperation in efforts to improve maternal and child health and resolve existing health issues


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How to Cite

M "MADU TACIBUDANA" (Society Care And Love For Mother And Child) In Tumbang Rungan Village. (2024). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Tangguh, 3(1), 242-255. https://ocs.unism.ac.id/index.php/semnaspkm/article/view/1272