I Implant KB Education And Free Implant Installation (Sipanda Manis) In The Paringin Selatan Health Centre Working Area


  • Ika Rena Roseyanti UNISM Banjarmasin
  • Winda Maolinda Sari Mulia University
  • Nurul Hidayah Sari Mulia University


Women, Implantable Birth Control, Long Term Contraception


A highly effective contraceptive method to prevent pregnancy is a long-acting contraceptive method that is used to delay and stop fertility in the long term. The type of MHJP used is implant. One of the problems at the South Paringin Health Centre, especially midwifery, is that the coverage of the use of MKJP Implant family planning is still low due to the lack of public interest in using Implant family planning. To control population growth, limit the birth rate, and regulate birth spacing so as to create a prosperous healthy family. The results of the 2020 population census, the number of fertile age couples in the province of South Kalimantan was 718,924 people. The use of MKJP (Long Term Contraceptive Method) is still very low, namely 4.3% of implant users. Therefore, the South Paringin Puskesmas held education about Implant Family Planning before implant installation for free with leafleat and video, the activity was carried out on 9 December 2023 which took place at the South Paringin Puskesmas UPTD which started at 09.00 WIB, the participants of this activity were mothers who would install the Implant contraceptive as many as 17 people. The budget for this fund is accommodated by the Balangan Regency Health, Population Control and Family Planning Office in 2023. From this activity, it increases the coverage of MKJP (Implant) family planning acceptors, namely previously 176 Implant family planning acceptors (7.22%) of 2247 active family planning acceptors in the UPTD Puskesmas Paringin Selatan working area. With the increase in family planning acceptors with implant installation that has been done in this community service can affect several things including: Increase the number of PUS to use contraceptives MKJP (Implant), namely 193 people (8.58%)



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H. S. Ruhanah, Lathifah N, “Korelasi Pendidikan dan Konseling KB Saat Hamil dengan Penggunaan KB Pasca Salin Pada Ibu Nifas di Puskesmas Paringin Selatan,” J. Rumpun Ilmu Kesehat., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 93–105, 2023, doi: 10.55606/jrik.v4i1.2829.

M. Magdalena et al., “Edukasi Pentingnya KB Implant Bagi Pus Di Dusun 3 Desa Pukdale Kecamatan Kupang Timur Kabupaten Kupang Tahun 2023 Maria,” vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 7–11, 2023.



How to Cite

I Implant KB Education And Free Implant Installation (Sipanda Manis) In The Paringin Selatan Health Centre Working Area. (2024). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Tangguh, 3(1), 263-267. https://ocs.unism.ac.id/index.php/semnaspkm/article/view/1278