C Counseling For Prospective Brides And Grooms In Preparation For Becoming Pregnant Women


  • Hanggari Shinta Dewi Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Hairiana Kusvitasari Universitas Sari Mulia


bride and groom, preparations, pregnancy


A healthy pregnancy requires physical and mental preparation, therefore pregnancy planning must be done before pregnancy. The prospective bride and groom are a male and female couple who will soon live together in a household and form a family through marriage. The pre-marital period can be linked to the pre-conception period, because after marriage you will immediately undergo the conception process. The quality of the next generation will be determined by conditions before pregnancy and during pregnancy. Preconception health is very important to pay attention to, including nutritional status, especially in efforts to prepare for pregnancy because it will be closely related to pregnancy outcomes. A well-planned pregnancy process will have a positive impact on the condition of the fetus and the mother's physical and psychological adaptation during pregnancy will be better. Good nutritional management also plays an important role in the process of forming healthy sperm and egg cells. Good nutritional status can prevent nutritional problems during pregnancy such as anemia, CED, prevent infections and pregnancy complications. Based on the results of the problem analysis at the UPT Puskesmas Babirik in 2023 there were 329 pregnant women. Of the 329 people, 117 pregnant women were referred as high risk cases. Based on this, to overcome this problem, it is important to provide education to prospective brides and grooms about the importance of balanced nutrition and the importance of health care during pregnancy. In this case, the counseling was "PATIN CAMIL (COUNSELING TO PROSPECTIVE BRIDES FOR PREPARING TO BECOME PROSPECTIVE PREGNANT WOMEN". The educational method used was cooperative learning using leaflets. The results of the activity showed an increase in knowledge and understanding for prospective brides and grooms about the importance of preparing for pregnancy from an early age. Evaluation results they feel helped by this activity and hope that activities like this will continue


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How to Cite

C Counseling For Prospective Brides And Grooms In Preparation For Becoming Pregnant Women. (2024). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Tangguh, 3(1), 522-529. https://ocs.unism.ac.id/index.php/semnaspkm/article/view/1299