Y Youth Women's Development Movement with Card Prevents The Risk Of Anemia “Kuceria” In RW 5 Working Area Of Sungai Ulin Puskesmas Banjarbaru


  • Dessy Anggraini Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Fitri Yuliana Sari Mulia University
  • Lisda Handayani Sari Mulia University


Young women, Anemia risk prevention card, Anemia


Anemia is one of the public health problems in Indonesia that can be experienced by all age groups ranging from toddlers, adolescents, pregnant women to old age. Based on Riskesdas 2013, children aged 5-14 years suffer from anemia 26.4% and ages 15-24 years by 18.4%. Anemia in adolescent girls will have an impact on health and achievement in school and will later be at risk of anemia when becoming pregnant women which can cause fetal growth and development that is not optimal and has the potential to cause complications of pregnancy and childbirth and death of mothers and children. The Blood Added Tablets (TTD) supplementation program for adolescent girls is currently one of the specific interventions in efforts to reduce stunting. But according to interviews with young women in RW. 05 There are still young women who do not obey to take blood tablets. One of the efforts to prevent non-compliance in the consumption of Blood Added Tablets in adolescent girls is by giving a control card for the consumption of Blood Added Tablets. With the anemia risk prevention card "KUCERIA" for young women, it is hoped that it can help young women to control the consumption of blood tablets. The method of this activity is the provision of information in the form of counseling and card distribution to monitor the consumption of Blood Added Tablets (TTD) in adolescent girls. The results showed an increase in young women's understanding and adherence to TTD. Outcomes include increased understanding and adherence of young women in taking TTD. The next stage plan is to monitor TTD consumption through "KUCERIA" and conduct socialization to parents of adolescent girls to increase parental knowledge as support


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How to Cite

Y Youth Women’s Development Movement with Card Prevents The Risk Of Anemia “Kuceria” In RW 5 Working Area Of Sungai Ulin Puskesmas Banjarbaru. (2024). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Tangguh, 3(1), 375-380. https://ocs.unism.ac.id/index.php/semnaspkm/article/view/1301