D "DAHAN MORO" (A Snack Made From Moringa Oleifera) As Anemia Treatment And Prevention In Pregnant Women


  • Mariani Ulfah Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Putri Yuliantie Sari Mulia University
  • Dian Widiastuti Puskesmas Serongga


Moringa Oleifera, Moringa Leaves, Pregnant Women, Anemia


Based on findings in the community, it was found that there were several pregnant women who experienced anemia, and did not routinely have pregnancy check-ups at the Community Health Center, did not regularly take blood supplement tablets, because they felt nauseous. Therefore, alternative methods are needed to provide iron for anemic pregnant women, so that the health of the pregnancy and fetus can be better maintained. The aim of this activity is to increase knowledge about the use of "MORO DAHAN" (Snack made from Moringa Oleifera) to reduce and prevent anemia in pregnant women. This activity takes the form of providing education about the benefits and procedures for processing Moringa leaf snacks. This activity was attended by the chairman of the Village PKK Mobilization Team and representatives of Pokja 4 members, cadres and pregnant women. Cadres and pregnant women were seen to be very enthusiastic about participating in this activity. This can be seen from the questions asked by participants to the resource persons


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How to Cite

D "DAHAN MORO" (A Snack Made From Moringa Oleifera) As Anemia Treatment And Prevention In Pregnant Women. (2024). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Tangguh, 3(1), 363-367. https://ocs.unism.ac.id/index.php/semnaspkm/article/view/1305