P Permata Bumil (Monitoring Of Iron Tablet Consumptions) By Families/Husbands Of Pregnant Women To Prevent And Overcome Anemia In The Work Area North Tapin Health Center


  • Muthia Nabella Faizah Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Lisda Handayani Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Frani Mariana Universitas Sari Mulia


KIA, Pregnant Women, Anemia


Anemia in pregnant women at the North Tapin Health Center was the highest in Tapin Regency. Based on reported data, anemia in pregnant women in 2022 was 11,8% and in 2023 11,6%. The problem of anemia in pregnant women must be addressed in order to create healthy and give birth to the nation's healthy and intelligent successors. To overcome the problem of anemia in pregnant women, the North Tapin Health Center carries out PERMATA BUMIL activities. PERMATA BUMIL implementation methods include implementing a joint commitment across programs and across sectors to support eradicating anemia in the working area of the North Tapin Health Center, coordinating with village midwives and toddler posyandu cadres, identifying existing pregnant women, carrying out Permata Bumil activities by providing education to families or pregnant women's husbands about how to check the Fe Consumptions Control Box in the KIA book on the monitoring of iron tablet page. The results of the implementation of PERMATA BUMIL showed that 75% of pregnant women had taken Fe tablets once a day before going to bed and 25% of pregnant women were still found not to take Fe tablets regularly. PERMATA BUMIL community service activities help increase knowledge about anemia and increase compliance with taking Fe tablets.


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How to Cite

P Permata Bumil (Monitoring Of Iron Tablet Consumptions) By Families/Husbands Of Pregnant Women To Prevent And Overcome Anemia In The Work Area North Tapin Health Center. (2024). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Tangguh, 3(1), 459-467. https://ocs.unism.ac.id/index.php/semnaspkm/article/view/1327