O Optimizing The Role Of Cadres For Finding Pregnant Women With Chronic Energy Lack (CED)


  • Tiomora Boru Nainggolan Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Dian Widiastuti Puskesmas Serongga
  • Putri Yuliantie Sari Mulia University
  • Ika Friscila Sari Mulia University


Cadre, Pregnant Mother, Chronic Lack of Energy


Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) during pregnancy can have an impact on the mother and the fetus she is carrying. KEK or Chronic Energy Deficiency is a condition where a person experiences continuous fatigue even after resting. CED can occur in pregnant women. It is possible that CED is triggered by stress, viral infection, immune system disorders, or hormonal imbalances. CED in pregnant women can be caused by factors characteristic of pregnant women consisting of age, height and weight. Pregnant women who marry as teenagers tend to be at risk of experiencing CED. The activity method is to provide basic information about CED and initial actions to overcome it. This community service activity will be carried out in January 2024. Participants in this activity are midwives, Posyandu cadres, village officials, pregnant women and community representatives. The conclusion is that there are pregnant women who have not had a pregnancy check-up (ANC) at a health service such as the Community Health Center/Posyandu, and where mothers who have not had an ANC visit, there is a possibility of suffering from CED, a method is needed to detect/find pregnant women with CED in the community . Basic information and CED detection is provided in the form of a leaflet. Based on the leaflets that have been made and printed, outreach is then carried out to cadres and pregnant women who visit ANC at the Puskesmas/Posyandu. The discovery of pregnant women with CED was carried out through an informal approach to the community, as well as activating cadres to socialize in all community activities.


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How to Cite

O Optimizing The Role Of Cadres For Finding Pregnant Women With Chronic Energy Lack (CED). (2024). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Tangguh, 3(1), 415-421. https://ocs.unism.ac.id/index.php/semnaspkm/article/view/1317