Study of Demographic Characteristics on the Incidence of Pregnant Women with Kek at Sebatung Health Center, Kotabaru Regency Studi Karakteristik Demografi Pada Kejadian Ibu Hamil Kek Di Puskesmas Sebatung Kabupaten Kotabaru

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Rusmiliyanti Rusmiliyanti
Adriana Palimbo
Esti Yuandari


Background: Chronic Energy Deficiency is a state of malnutrition that can lead to health problems in pregnant women. Based on Riskesdas data (2022) data on pregnant women with Chronic Energy Deficiency are in the age group of mothers who are at risk, namely 15-19 years of 33.5%.

Purpose: This study aims to describe the demographic characteristics of pregnant women with CED at the Sebatung Health Center

Method: This research is to describe the demographic characteristics of pregnant women with CED at the Sebatung Health Center

Results: Based on the results of the study on age characteristics at risk for CED in pregnant women (<20/> 35 years) with a total of 30 people (41.2%), for the highest maternal parity, namely multigravida, 22 people (43.1%), then for distance 29 people (56.9%) had the highest number of births, namely mothers with birth spacing were not at risk, then the mother's work criteria obtained data from 46 people (90.2%) working mothers, for the mother's last high education criterion, namely secondary education level with 29 people (56.9%).

Conclusion: Pregnant women who experience CED are mothers who are not at risk, multigravida, secondary education, and working mothers. It is hoped that the results of this study can be used as information material for the public so that they can pay more attention to the nutritional status of mothers and the importance of increasing nutritional intake for pregnant women.

Article Details

How to Cite
Study of Demographic Characteristics on the Incidence of Pregnant Women with Kek at Sebatung Health Center, Kotabaru Regency: Studi Karakteristik Demografi Pada Kejadian Ibu Hamil Kek Di Puskesmas Sebatung Kabupaten Kotabaru. (2023). Proceeding Of Sari Mulia University Midwifery National Seminars, 5(1), 182-195.

How to Cite

Study of Demographic Characteristics on the Incidence of Pregnant Women with Kek at Sebatung Health Center, Kotabaru Regency: Studi Karakteristik Demografi Pada Kejadian Ibu Hamil Kek Di Puskesmas Sebatung Kabupaten Kotabaru. (2023). Proceeding Of Sari Mulia University Midwifery National Seminars, 5(1), 182-195.


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