Factors Of Mother's Knowledge And Attitudes Towards Anc K1 And K4 Visits In The Puskesmas Murung Pudak
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Background: A developing pregnancy can be complicated and at risk of complications, so perinatal care must be carried out routinely according to standards and integrated into high-quality prenatal care. Based on 2022 K1 coverage in Tabalong Regency is 94,1% while K4 coverage is 90.5%. When compared to 2021 , this achievement decreased, namely K1 96,51% and K4 92,48% (Tabalong District Health Service, 2022). Obtained from the Tabalong District Health Service in 2022 Murung Pudak community health center is a community health center with atarget number of pregnant womwn. 412 withK1 coverage of 198 (48%), in 2023 the target for K1 pregnant women is 158 (38%), and in 2022 K4 coverage is 160 (39%), in 2023 K4 coverage is 103 (24,5%).
Objective: To analyze the knowledge factors and attitudes of pregnant women towards ANC K1 and K4 visits in the Murung Pudak Community Health Center working area.
Method: The research method used was an analytical survey method, a cross sectional research approach. The sampling technique was accidental sampling, totaling 30 people. Fishers exact test analysis.
Results: The research results showed that the highest level of knowledge was in the good knowledge category, namely 14 people with a percentage of 46.7%. The attitude of most pregnant women in the negative category was 16 people with a percentage of 53.3%. Statistical analysis shows a relationship between pregnant women's knowledge (p value 0.011) on pregnant women's K1 and K4 ANC visits in the Murung Pudak Health Center working area. There is a relationship between the attitude of pregnant women (p value 0.000) towards ANC visits K1 and K4 of pregnant women in the working area of the Murung Pudak Health Center.
Conclusion: Knowledge and attitudes are related to pregnant women's K1 and K4 ANC visits at the Community Health Center.
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