A Anxiety Of Pregnant Women In FacingChildbirth During The COVID-19 Pandemic: Literature Review Kecemasan Ibu Hamil Dalam Menghadapi Persalinan Di Masa Pandemi COVID-19: Literature Review

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Septin Hawini
Adriana Palimbbo
Nurul Hidayah


Background: COVID-19 was determined by the government as a non-natural national disaster that caused many casualties and had an impact on all aspects of people's lives. The COVID-19 pandemic also has an effect on mental health resulting in depression, anxiety and increased stress. One of the groups at risk of experiencing concern and anxiety about COVID-19 infection is pregnant women.

Objective: To analyze the anxiety of pregnant women facing childbirth during the COVID-19 pandemic based on a systematic review of empirical studies in the last 2 years. Methods: The article search was conducted using the ProQuest, Pubmed and Google Scholar databases, selecting from 4,538 articles found to be 10 articles used.

Results: From the 10 articles used by the author, it was found that pregnant women who face childbirth experience anxiety at a mild to relatively high level which is influenced by several factors such as age, occupation, level of knowledge, parity status, low levels of social support and attention, fear of infection and transmitting the COVID-19 virus from mother to baby, circulating false information about COVID-19, as well as increasing the incidence of infection and death due to COVID-19.

Conclusion: Pregnant women who face childbirth experience anxiety at a mild to relatively high level and this anxiety is influenced by several factors.

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How to Cite
A Anxiety Of Pregnant Women In FacingChildbirth During The COVID-19 Pandemic: Literature Review: Kecemasan Ibu Hamil Dalam Menghadapi Persalinan Di Masa Pandemi COVID-19: Literature Review. (2022). Proceeding Of Sari Mulia University Midwifery National Seminars, 4(1), 321-329. https://doi.org/10.33859/0y2prd64

How to Cite

A Anxiety Of Pregnant Women In FacingChildbirth During The COVID-19 Pandemic: Literature Review: Kecemasan Ibu Hamil Dalam Menghadapi Persalinan Di Masa Pandemi COVID-19: Literature Review. (2022). Proceeding Of Sari Mulia University Midwifery National Seminars, 4(1), 321-329. https://doi.org/10.33859/0y2prd64


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