P Penganem Gizbang” (Anemia Control Balanced Nutrition) In Gudang Hirang Village, UPTD Puskesmas Sungai Tabuk 1
Quality of Food Consumption, Pregnant WomenAbstract
Anemia in pregnant women is a global and national problem that can increase the risk of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality. The health problem faced by pregnant women in Indonesia is the still high Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR). The condition of pregnant women with anemia can be influenced by direct and indirect factors. Direct factors are factors that influence hemoglobin levels in pregnant women including consumption of Fe tablets, nutritional status, infection. Indirect factors are factors that influence hemoglobin levels in pregnant women which include ANC frequency, parity, obstetric history, age of pregnant women, pregnancy interval, social, economic status, education, culture, efforts to prevent and control anemia in pregnant women in Gudang Hirang Village, Region. The UPTD work at the Sungai Tabuk 1 Community Health Center is carried out using two methods, namely pretest and posttest and evaluating pregnant women for balanced nutritional food. Pregnant women need more nutrients than when they are not pregnant because the nutrients consumed are for the mother and fetus. The fetus grows by taking nutrients from the food consumed by the mother and from nutritional stores in the mother's body. During pregnancy, a mother must increase the amount and type of food consumed to meet the needs of the growing fetus and the needs of the pregnant mother and to produce breast milk. Introducing local foods that are high in iron and easy to find
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