Yoga Exercises And Pregnancy Ultrasound Examination Free For 100 Pregnant Women
Yoga Exercises, Ultrasound ExaminationsAbstract
Pregnancy is the process of a sperm fertilizing an egg, either inside or outside the uterus, culminating in the birth of a baby and placenta through the birth canal. The gestational period, or pregnancy, extends from conception to childbirth, typically lasting 280 days (40 weeks or 9 months and 7 days) calculated from the last menstrual period. Pregnancy can also be described as a period characterized by significant biological changes in women, accompanied by intellectual adjustments to accommodate the new lifestyle. During this time, there are notable changes in physiological and metabolic functions. Throughout pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimesters, women often experience discomfort. Discomfort refers to an unpleasant or uneasy sensation, both physically and psychologically. As the uterus enlarges and body weight increases during the third trimester, pregnant women must adapt to these changes. Yoga has been shown to be beneficial in improving flexibility, strength, and balance. It can also help reduce stress, enhance sleep quality, and alleviate discomforts such as back pain and fatigue. However, a significant proportion of pregnant women do not undergo ultrasound examinations due to financial constraints or time limitations. This can pose risks to both the mother and fetus. Therefore, prenatal ultrasound is crucial for monitoring fetal development, measuring fetal growth and development, assessing fetal position and size, and detecting potential problems or congenital abnormalities that may require further intervention.
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