C "Cidal Kayang" (Complete Basic Imuminzationcoverage By Ambakiang Cadres) In Ambakiang Villageawayan Balangan Health Center


  • Sri Ana Megawati Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Siti Noor Hasanah Universitas Sari Mulia


Complete Immunization, Cadre


Based on a preliminary study conducted at the Awayan Community Health Center, Balangan Regency, it was found that the immunization coverage at the Awayan Community Health Center for 2023 until October was 53.46% with a total of 23 villages and the village with the lowest Complete Basic Immunization (IDL) coverage was Ambakiang village with the number of babies in 2023, namely 14 people and those who have been given complete basic immunization are 5 people (22.22%). There is still a high number of babies who are not immunized and do not receive complete basic immunization because there is a refusal to provide basic immunization, either partial or complete, to babies in the working area of ​​the Awayan Community Health Center. The results of the 2022 Riskesdes stated that the reasons for not giving immunizations to babies were because they were afraid of the child getting hot (28.8%), the family did not allow it (26.3%), they were busy (21.9%), the child often got sick (6.8% ) and do not know the schedule and place of immunization (6.7%). Purpose : Based on the above background, it is necessary to carry out a mudwifery project through the "CIDAL KAYANG” program (Complete Basic Immunization Coverage by Ambakiang Cadres) in Ambakiang village, Awayan Balangan Health Center Working Area as a form of effort to facilitate the problem of incomplete Basic Immunization in the Awayan Health Center working area.Method : The CIDAL KAYANG midwifery project method is in the form of counseling about the importance of complete basic immunization to children aged 0-24 months and the role of cadres who must be strengthened in carrying out this approach and in informing the importance of complete basic immunization in Ambakiang Village, the working area of ​​the Awayan Balangan Health Center. Result : The pre-test results show that of the 14 respondents the average score during the pre-test was 60. After being given the material, the post-test results showed an increase with an average score of 90


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How to Cite

C "Cidal Kayang" (Complete Basic Imuminzationcoverage By Ambakiang Cadres) In Ambakiang Villageawayan Balangan Health Center. (2024). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Tangguh, 3(1), 507-513. https://ocs.unism.ac.id/index.php/semnaspkm/article/view/1333