H Hypnobirthing On The Long Time Of Active Phase I In Labor: Literature Review Hypnobirthing Terhadap Lama Kala I Fase Aktif Pada Persalinan: Literature Review
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Background: Maternal Mortality Rate is still high from live births with complications during delivery due to prolonged labor that lasts more than 24 hours for primiparas and more than 18 hours for multiparas. Hypnobirthing is an active delivery method that can be used in the first stage of labor.
Objective: To analyze Hypnobirthing in shortening the length of the first stage of the active phase of labor with a Literature Review.
Methods: This study uses a Literature Review with the PICOS technique obtained from indexed electronics such as Google Scholar, and other data base sources equipped with DOI. The results of the study were analyzed using the JBI form and presented in the form of a descriptive narrative.
Results: Shows that maternity mothers who enter the first stage of labor using the Hypnobirthing technique can control the mother's thoughts and include positive thoughts so that in the first stage it becomes normal and accelerates the first stage of the mother giving birth.
Conclusion: Mothers giving birth using Hypnobirthing experienced progress in the length of the first stage of the active phase of labor.
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