Efektivitas Aromaterapi Minyak Lavender Dalam Mengurangi Gejala Depresi Postpartum: Systematic Review The Effectiveness of Lavender Oil Aromatherapy in Reducing Postpartum Depression Symptoms: Systematic Review

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Puspita Dewi
Dwi Rahmawati
Lisda Handayani


Latar Belakang: Depresi postpartum merupakan gangguan mental serius yang dapat menyebabkan kematian ibu pada masa postpartum. Pengobatan dengan antidepresan menjadi dilema karena pengaruhnya terhadap ASI. Aromaterapi dapat menjadi salah satu pilihan intervensi non farmakologis yang aman, mudah, dan tidak invasif.  Minyak lavender dikenal sebagai mother of oil karena manfaatnya yang sangat banyak, termasuk sebagai antidepresan, relaksan, ansiolitik, dan memperbaiki kualitas tidur. Perlu dilakukan kajian literatur untuk mengetahui efektivitas lavender dalam mengurangi gejala depresi postpartum.

Metode: Studi systematic review ini dilakukan dengan mencari database dari Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, dan ProQuest dengan kata kunci berupa  “depresi postpartum”, “aromaterapi”, dan “minyak lavender”. Kriteria inklusi berupa 1) populasi ibu postpartum, 2) intervensi berupa pemberian aromaterapi lavender, 3) artikel original berupa RCT dan quasi eksperimental, 4) publikasi dalam lima tahun terakhir, dan 4) artikel berbahasa Indonesia atau Inggris.

Hasil: Didapatkan 555 artikel dari hasil pencarian, 8 artikel masuk dalam kriteria inklusi dan ditelaah dalam review ini, berupa 4 RCT dan 4 quasi eksperimental. Pemberian intervensi aromaterapi lavender memiliki efek positif pada skor EPDS untuk depresi, skor VASA untuk kecemasan, skor PANAS untuk mood,  skor Pittsburg untuk kualitas tidur, dan penurunan kadar norepinefrin, secara signifikan bila dibandingkan dengan  kelompok kontrol atau kelompok pretest.

Simpulan: Berdasarkan 8 artikel yang ditelaah diketahui bahwa pemberian aromaterapi lavender efektif dalam mengurangi gejala depresi postpartum.

Kata Kunci : Aromaterapi, Depresi postpartum, Minyak lavender


Background: Postpartum depression is a serious mental disorder that can cause maternal death in the postpartum period. Treatment with antidepressants poses a dilemma because of their effect on breast milk. Aromatherapy can be a non-pharmacological intervention option that is safe, easy, and non-invasive. Lavender oil is known as the mother of oil because of its many benefits, including as an antidepressant, relaxant, anxiolytic, and improve sleep quality. It is necessary to review the literature to determine the effectiveness of lavender in reducing postpartum depression symptoms.

Methods: This systematic review study was conducted by searching databases from Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, and ProQuest with the keywords “postpartum depression”, “aromatherapy”, and “lavender oil”. The inclusion criteria were 1) postpartum maternal population, 2) intervention with lavender aromatherapy, 3) original articles was RCTs and quasi-experimental, 4) publications in the last five years, and 4) articles in Indonesian or English.

Results: 555 articles were obtained from the search results, 8 articles were included in the inclusion criteria and reviewed in this article, were 4 RCTs and 4 quasi-experimental. The lavender aromatherapy intervention had a positive effect on EPDS scores for depression, VASA scores for anxiety, PANAS scores for mood, Pittsburgh scores for sleep quality, and a significant reduction in norepinephrine levels, when compared with the control group or the pretest group.

Conclusion: Based on the 8 articles reviewed, it is known that giving lavender aromatherapy is effective in reducing postpartum depression symptoms.


Keywords: Aromatherapy, Postpartum depression, Lavender essential oil


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How to Cite
Dewi, P., Rahmawati, D., & Handayani, L. (2022). Efektivitas Aromaterapi Minyak Lavender Dalam Mengurangi Gejala Depresi Postpartum: Systematic Review: The Effectiveness of Lavender Oil Aromatherapy in Reducing Postpartum Depression Symptoms: Systematic Review. Proceeding Of Sari Mulia University Midwifery National Seminars, 4(1), 51–59. Retrieved from https://ocs.unism.ac.id/index.php/PROBID/article/view/895

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