
  • Ika Friscila Pendidikan Profesi Bidan, Fakultas Kesehatan, Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Siti Noor Hasanah Pendidikan Profesi Bidan, Fakultas Kesehatan, Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Nurul Hidayah DIII Kebidanan, Fakultas Kesehatan, Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Siska Purwita Sari Pendidikan Profesi Bidan, Fakultas Kesehatan, Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Sarah Nabila Pendidikan Profesi Bidan, Fakultas Kesehatan, Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Aida Fitriani D-III Kebidanan, Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh
  • Liza Fonna D-III Kebidanan, Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh
  • Nabila Alya Dashilva D-III Kebidanan, Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh

Kata Kunci:

Exclusive Breastfeeding, Family Support, Education, Third Trimester Pregnant Women


Exclusive breastfeeding is breastfeeding without additional food and drink for infants aged 0-6 months. Exclusive breastfeeding will affect the growth of babies and can increase the risk of stunting in toddlers. Factors that influence the success of achieving the goal of exclusive breastfeeding are the policy of exclusive breastfeeding, routine breastfeeding related socialization, cross-program and cross-sector support and reporting related to exclusive breastfeeding. Problems that exist in most people on the first day after giving birth on the third day, mother's milk is not smooth so that mothers are affected by the use of formula milk, mothers feel less confident to be able to meet their breast milk needs. babies, and families worry that babies are not getting enough nutrition. The purpose of this community service activity is to prepare exclusive breastfeeding by providing education to mothers about exclusive breastfeeding preparation at the Sungai Andai Integrated Services Post. The counseling was held at the Sungai Andai Integrated Services Post which was attended by 8 people. This activity is carried out for 2 months, starting from November 2021 to January 2022 which is arranged in 6 agendas. In conclusion, PKM participants, namely pregnant women in the third trimester, have understood and understood the preparation for exclusive breastfeeding, have delivered related education from the proposer and midwives to the family, which means the mother can repeat the education that has been given to her family. so that with assistance, mothers and families are committed to preparing and providing exclusive breastfeeding.


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Cara Mengutip

Friscila, I., Hasanah, S. N., Hidayah, N., Sari, S. P., Nabila, S., Fitriani, A., Fonna, L., & Dashilva, N. A. (2022). EDUCATION PREPARATION FOR EXCLUSIVE BREAST MILK AT SUNGAI ANDAI INTEGRATED SERVICES POST. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Tangguh, 1(1), 119–127. Diambil dari

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